I'm trying to install a one touch maxtor 200gb external hard drive into my dell inspiron 8600, and after installation, it's supposed to, according to the manual, pop up in My Computer as another drive. But, it's not working. It's listed as working properly and everything, but it doesn't show... any help? Thanks.
@ddp not to jump in but....... i also have a question on my new external WD HD it says it's a FAT32 file system, but my HP Computer (XP) is a NTFS file system........... i have read something about formating this new External HD every thing is working,wondering if i need to ReFormat this drive to NTFS file system, a few people told me i should do this. asking for advice here. looks complicated to me. thanks
mienime, no problem, teach & learn freedom, how big is the external hd, what are you storaging on it, are you using it on other computers that use fat32??
well, i have a whole bunch of music. mostly that. then i'll back up my computer and have a friend reformat it for me. i have no idea how or why, but my brother says it's for the best. it's a 200gb maxtor, so plenty of room. and question: fat32? no idea what that is. explain?
for win 9x but can be used on win2k & xp. ntfs can handle a single file over 4gig that fat32 can't so it must be broken smaller for fat32 use.
@ddp my Desktop HP computer XP (40GB) is a NTFS File system as normal as it would be in the US States, My New External Western Digital HD is (80GB). FAT32 it says. sometimes i do a lot of Dvd backup at one time, and i have a lot of different files/pictures ect. i bought thinking that my desktop would perform/store better with this setup. the reason i jumped in on you guys i happen to be reading and saw you guys talking, and the guy where i bought it also said i needed to reformat it to get the best out of it, and i saw something about that in the manual, i know some about computers, but that i don't and it looked to me. don't exactly know/understand it. your last quote is what i'm talking about...... that's what i was told........... thanks again..........
Seems like the best choice for you is to format the 80 Gb HD as NTFS. Especially since you are doing a lot of DVD b/u. regards
do you use that external on computers with win9x because if not than can change it over to ntfs format
@ddp/and others no only on mine(XP) ntfs, if i use it anywhere else it would only be on ntfs/XP computers.............