I've read about someone installing the MCE programme and interface on XP Pro, so that there operating system is XP Pro, but they have the MCE features. I want to know how to do this with XP Home. I can't remember where I read it. Reason being is to get round Microsofts WGA which is getting more and more annoying each day (don't bother telling me about how to bypass it)
Since getting around wga is related to piracy, you're not allowed to ask anything that has to do with it, so may i suggest you change your post before the mods catch on ?
check this link as was in the ad news section last july(?). http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/28/microsoft_genuine_ad.html
lol, I said to not tell me how to bypass WGA. Anyways, I found what I was looking for, and it said it couldn't be done on XP Home. Then found a different method which could, but it's way too complicated. Not gonna bother me too much as I don't often use the MCE programme, and as for the interface, I use windowblinds anyway.