I have just finished building my computer. I am trying to install Vista Ultimate on it but as soon as it takes the confirmation code, It tells me to install device driver needed to access your hard drive. Insert the installition media containing the driver files and then cllick ok. Problem is that I am using a Western Digital 500 gb sata hard drive and bought it OEM. All there was was the disk itself. It came with nothing else. What co I do?
You shouldn't need a driver, hard drives haven't need installing since I dunno, probably before I was even born.
I found this link on Google: http://discuss.extremetech.com/forums/thread/1004396258.aspx I hope it helps
Does the OS install or does this happen during the installation process? What motherboard are you using?
This happens during installation, a few screens after I input the calidatin code. I am using the Gigabye= X48-DS4 and trying to install Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit. When I go into the Bios it shows the Harddrive (WD 500 GB) and both DVD players I have installed. I just do not understand what is going on here.
Hmm, I'm genuinely unsure. Do you get the same result when you use a different S-ATA cable and/or port on the motherboard?
I have tried different ports and different cables. Could it be a bad HD? I am reading the customer reviews here on newegg and alot of people are having problems with the drive. Is there a way tocheck for sure?
I've used several WD5000AAKS drives without incident, as has one of the moderators here creaky. No drive is perfect of course, but I haven't heard of this issue before. Then again, I don't think either of us use Vista.
Could it be something in the RAID setup? I only have one HD but do I need to do something with the RAID??? I know my Motherboard has RAID functionality. Somewhere I read that I may need to do something with that but I dont know what. I am at loss here!
Its off. I am really getting frustrated. I am at a stand still with 1500.00 worth of stuff that all seems to work ok excpt for the fact that I can not get the operating system on it.
To be honest, I'd take the hard disk back and get a replacement. If it's not the cause, it at least removes a possibility.