Intalling internet explorer beta 3

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Ronspruel, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. Ronspruel

    Ronspruel Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    I was going to install beta 3 of internet explorer but when I read how the instruction said to go to add remove programs and remove internet explorer version 7 beta 2 then go to the web page and then download beta 3. Well if I remove internet explorer beta 2 I will not have a web browser to go and then download the new beta 3. As a matter of fact when I went to add remove programs and clicked on beta 2 it told me if I deleted it there would be a lot of programs that would not work. What give is Microsoft giving out bad information or should I go ahead and do what they said or is there a another way.

  2. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    Though vague, the information is correct.

    Download the new beta 3. Then uninstall the old beta 2 (which brings you back to IE6 anyways)..then install the new one.
  3. Ronspruel

    Ronspruel Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Thanks,I did download Internet Explorer v7.0 beta 3 I should have thought of that but didn't. I guess when they mentioned deleting Internet Explorer v7.0 beta 2 I realized that doing so would leave me with out a Internet browser so the concern. As you said it would go back to version 6 but I didn't know that and even thou I did not look and see I assume it did. I did exactly what you said I downloaded version 7.0 beta 3 before I deleted version 7.0 beta 2 so I didn't need to worry about having an Internet Browser even if the process had removed all of Internet Explorer. If memory serves me right I don't believe there is a way to remove Internet Explorer since it is a critical part of Windows XP if my memory is right. Thanks for the help I now have Internet Explorer Beta 3 running. When I download the new version it did put a language bar in XP I really have not figured out what good that is. I have read the help file that came with the new Icon that was inserted in my system tray but the question mark but for now the use of it alludes me.

    Ron Spruell

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