Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by snowyuk, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. snowyuk

    snowyuk Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hi i have made a few backups of my DVD collection using DVD Dycrypter. these play ok on my DVD player for a while then start to break up and stop. If i later start to watch them again, they play again until they stop, but this time they stop in a different place and play where they stopped the first time. ( if you follow ). i have tried on two dvd players and a PS2 with the same results, but with it freezing in different places every time. its as if it stops once the dvd has warmed up or something. but it dosn't feel warm. Any Ideas. this happens with every dvd i have tried to backup using dvd+ media.
  2. KaMiKaZeE

    KaMiKaZeE Guest

    There are a number of things that could be causing your problem. Most common things I can think of would be dirty or damaged discs, poor dvd players (i personally started having the same problems when playing dvds in my ps2, but then tried in a hi-end pioneer player and same discs worked great.) also it could be that something is wrong with either your ccomputer or your dvd-burner that is causing an excessive amount of errors in the writing process. That would be my guess based on what you describe. Try using dvd's made in other systems that are known to be working fine and see if it still happens.
  3. snowyuk

    snowyuk Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    i will try that. just seems strange that the fault is not always in the same place.
  4. ReeL12

    ReeL12 Guest

    I had same kind of problems. Tested different this for a wild and found out that the blank DVDs I used were crappy. I changed to better quality discs and every DVD has worked since in all tested players.

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