internet crashing

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by mrmathers, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    hi, for some reason my computer continually freezes when im on the net.
    it seems to only occur when loading heavy graphics such as flash or whatever, eg has heavy graphics and my computer just freezes, forces me to manual reboot and load up again.
    it is not the browser, as both ie and mozilla firefox have this problem. im sure it has to be something to do with the graphics but not entirely sure what!
    would really appreciate any help, if anyone knows what the problem is pleas let me know!! many thanks
  2. morph3ous

    morph3ous Guest

    maybe you need to run some kind of spybot search software, or virus check, if you have download trojan or something like that it may slow system down. not sure if it will help. but no harm in trying i suppose.
    also get software that checks ingoing and outgoing traffic , if you have a lot of traffic when idle then you may have trojan or something similiar.

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