After installing the windows update and getting IE7, my computer could hardly browse any sites without saying there was a net connection problem, anything that I ran using my computer to connect to the internet was royally F#$&ED!!! Weathereye, a weather program from couldn't connect either, yet my voIP phone and PS2 games online were unaffected... It came down to having to do a system restore, and I'm not sure if its totally fixed yet. I suggest NO1 get IE7... I've googled and found MANY problems associated to it already and the release version is brand spankin new... Anyone else been affected by this?
Luckily, I upgraded to Firefox a while back so I don't have this type of problem. I heard lots of stories from my friends about IE7 though. You should consider switching to Firefox as well. It is much better than IE. I still use 1.5, so I haven't tried 2.0 though.
IE 7 works good for me. Actually, never heard of the above problem. Only problems I have out of it are glitches in the toolbars because of my Windows theme. But yeah, I agree with JaguarGod, switch to Firefox. You'll never go back to 'unsafe' IE. By the way, get Firefox 2.0, the new features are grand. Although, I wish there were more themes compatible with 2.0, but shouldn't be too much longer of a wait.
I downloaded firefox and the problem carried over... I formatted the drive with XP on it after trying everything to fix it. Nothing... Formatted my whole comp after saving needed files to DVD. Dunno why or how, but directly following the upgrade to IE7 my net is completely messed... WTF...
Hi fuel_f2f I wondered if your firewall was a problem - IE7 does have some known conflict issues with Zone Alarm. Regards
Have you tried running IE7 in no add ons mode? Found in System tools. If this works then some third party product is causing your problems. Also if you are running Norton AV this may be causing problems. Regards
I had a pretty basic setup, I use Avast as my AV not, Norton. I'm guessing that there was a freak coincidence where my modem and/or router is having problems. I formatted my PC and still having the problems... Gonna run net direct to my PC, to see if it might be a router problem, then Contact my ISP... kinda funny tho as my voIP phone and PS2 work online still... maybe my network card is messed... could that cause most pages to not connect? Also, most URL's I type go to this weird page. EX: when I type I've never seen that happen before...
Hi fuel_f2f. It worried me when you posted no firewall. If so you could have all kinds of nasties in your system and having your URLs redirected could be a symptom. I don't know if formatting your PC would have removed any malwear. Your hardware approach seems reasonable to me - good luck.
Iv noticed a virus that ruins intrnet explorer from versions 5-7 and when i installed ie 7 it didnt get rid of it or fix it. The viirus ruins a dll file of i explorer and it closes i explorer whilst your using it and says somthing like iexplorer closed because of a problem in iexplorersucks.dll (cant remember the real file name) but like anythink ever made by microsoft it is designed to stop working after a while and crash. if you cant fix it install firefox
The problem carries over to Firefox and Netscape so I don't think its something with the IE file system. Also, the firewall was disabled on my system when it happened, but I have full version Avast and Ewido running plus my router has a built in firewall of its own so the XP one seemed silly and useless when compared. After formatting, the firewall was auto-on so I doub't I could have gotten a virus within 10 seconds of having my system up and running and behind a firewall, outdated XP disc or not... And to Altercuno: How would malware survive a format? the only other memory to attach to would be ram or bios would it not? and I highly doubt it would be there... I tried to update firmware for both router and cable modem, but motorola only has firmware for SB5120 and SB5101 and not SB5100... and my router is up to date so I reset it and logged into it to run the setup wizard again just to cover that route. I dunno how this could be software related now... which really pisses me off as I've lost everything... if it turns out to be my cable modem I'm gonna flip out at my ISP...
I think I'm gonna cry... it was the router Unplugged the router and POOF, everything is better than normal. formatted for nothing... I gotta control my anger and not do stupid things... Well, now the for weeklong process of getting back all my many programs and files not to mention Windows XP updated from my 2001 Release of XP home... damn thats a lot of updates... I've updated and restarted 5 times and I'm not to SP2 yet... Wish me luck lmao!
fuel_f2f , i am having a problem also since i loaded IE7 web pages are loading slow etc. iam behind a Linksys firewall router also. did you redo your router or just by pass it?
before doing anything hasty... simply unplug your router and go direct from your modem (cable/dsl) and plug the ethernet cable directly into your comp and restart your comp... if thats fixes ur problem than IE7 is causing some seriesly messed up hardware issues when it comes to routers... let me know about your findings... When I took my router out of the loop My net went back to its good ol self... and a bit faster heh. So yea, let me know if it works without the router.
yes it did help but its still not running up to par like it used to .it should fly givin my specs. (per my sig) i have the most problems with this site loading slow than any other
Your sig shows a damn sweet comp... especially when compared to my POS IBM Netvista... PIII 950mhz or pure power!!! lmao... 256mb PC133ram and 80GB Western Digital HD 2mb cache... my comp sucks... but my connection is a good 10MB Cable. If only I had a good computer to hook up to it heh. Yea... mine went back to normal perfectly... is yours close or just better but still way off ur usual speeds? I'm beginning to think that update is messed up... I wonder if anyone else has experienced router probs since the update... Edit> From some talking with people I know it seems that IE7 auto-configures you for Direct connect thus causing problems with your computer/router communication... I've yet to install my router or IE7 again since fixing it but it seems logical... maybe thats the problem?
yeah its still off what it should be . i ran several virse/spyware scans plus "SmitFraudFix" and it shows no problems and my hjt log is clean too
hm... I've heard that IE7 can auto-config ur settings. Maybe thats it? I'm no expert by far... I removed my router and it was fixed... dunno what ur problem could be... I've tried googling these problems as well but didn't find any clear cut answers...
my homepage was high jacked also a while back i seemed to get my system clean but i have had problems since with web pages loading so i am probably in for a reformat sooner or later