Hey, I can't keep connection with servers (game servers, San Andreas and APB) on my internet. I,ve tried the internet in a friends house and it works sound. I just done a speedtest and my download speed is 4.77 MBPS my upload speed is .66MBPS. These seem ok to be able to connect to a server, so I'm guessing something else is the problem. I live in an apartment with hotpoints, connection in the wall, for the broadband so i'm limited to what i can do to fix the problem. I also can't hold connection on xbox live encase that helps.. Any help would be great, even an other forum that may know more on the problem would help.. Thanks in advance!! P.S not sure if this is the right place for this. Sorry if it's not..
probably your internet is crap.. and doubtful there is anything you can do about it as a speedtest isn't going to show up a crackly in and out connection.. try running a constant ping (pick a website.. or dos whatever dumbed down version of wincrap, you are running not allow you to do good basic network tests for 30 minutes) and analyzing the logs afterwards.. If you don't understand basic networking terms like "ping" and "logs" google them eh?
Thanks for you real nice reply, Emm, I pinged google in cmd prompt if thats what you meant.. Result: Pinging google.ie [2xx.xx.xxx.xx] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from 2xx.xx.xxx.xx: bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=47 Reply from 2xx.xx.xxx.xx: bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=47 Reply from 2xx.xx.xxx.xx: bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=47 Reply from 2xx.xx.xxx.xx: bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=47 Ping statistics for 2xx.xx.xxx.xx: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 34ms, Maximum = 42ms, Average = 38ms C:\Users\Bonehead>
two questions. Are you using onboard lan? if yes list the Mobo maker and the Lan model ex. realtec 1118. Are you plugged into a router? if yes can you administrate this router?
Thanks for the reply DXR88.. I'm using LAN alright.. It's a block of apartments and the internet is like a socket in the wall.. not sure what the Lan model ex. realtek 1118..Search it seems it something to do with my network card?? My network card is a WAN miniport (SSTP).. And is Mobo, motherboard, if so it's a Dell system XPS L702x.. Thanks again..This is a very frustrating problem..
your laptop has either a broadcom 2070, or a realtek 8111EL network device. Realtek has known issues with networks with more than a few machines. broadcoms i am unsure about i don't get many of those to work on. lol and the earth is like a ball. that socket more than likely leads to a hub which a good number of tenants my or may not be connected too. update your network drivers first if you still have issues after that contact your complex manager and tell them your networks not working right. other than that there's not really that much you can do.