Thank you for looking Ok so here is what i am on, Dell Inspiron 8600,Intel Pentium M(1.50GHz), intel Centrino, 512mb Ram, 60gb HDD, Mozilla Firefox 2.0. I Installed McAfee Enterprise 8.5, and had 50 viruses, all were either cleaned or Deleted all were removed. Didnt reboot for about 1 hour after scanning, durring that one hour i was on the internet(working Fine), rebooted went to bed awoke and now it when i try to launch Mozilla, Server Not Found Check the address for typing error If your are unable to load any pages, check your computers network connections. If your computer or netwrok is protected by a friewall or proxy, make sure that firefox is permitted to access the web. I have no firewall, followed all those steps, and my wireless network says it is connected to my router, exellent connection, and i cant not get on the internet with any browser or app. I think the problem accrued when i remove one of the viruses, i reboot and try to Do a system restore and now it says i have no restore points. Any help would be great. Thanks for looking.
okay, well u do have a fire wall, the windows firewall. To see if its active do the following start, control panel, windows firewall, exceptions from there see if your internet has been premitted. If this is the case then i recomend re-installing mozilla.