im trying to get this internet radio thing working but its not cooperating. im using xbmc and i can get into my shared files on my comp but when i try shoutcast it keeps giving me errors. i read a tut. on here that i can just right click on the yellow tune buttons at the shoutcast site and then save them to a file and ftp them to my xbox. well i did all that but i get an error"cddb sr_error_parse_failure. i know my xbox and comp are seeing each other on the network because i can see my shared files. i tried putting the shortcut of the tune buttons in my shared docs but that was a no go as well. Can someone please give me a hand. my build of xbmc is from nov. of this year
when you go into your 'music' section of XBMC there should be a bookmark for 'top 500 """""' or something like that. Those are esentially the same thing...if those will conect and your shortcuts don't,then it's prolly something with the shortcuts you have. It could also be that the station is down or at it's limit of streams. Try some of your python scripts and see if they work online,you might even have your xbox networked to your pc but not online....who knows.