I'm looking for the simplest and best solution for a Internet Cafe, to allow customers to burn their own movies to DVD, etc... all the goodies one can do with this app. But I've never used InterVideo DVD Copy 4 Platinum, so I don't know the ease and quality. How is it, and is there anything better I should be looking at over this, esepcially for stability, ease of use and for a business environment like this? THANKS P.S. We want all the features this one supports, or better. # H.264 # DivX 6 # 3G mobile phones # Sony PSP # NEW iPod
Good software and easy to use. The later versions cleared up many of the earlier flaws. I use it occasionally and find it to be quick and efficient. Now what are you going to use to bypass the copyright protections? You may want to talk to your lawyer about the legality of this venture in your area.
InterVideo DVD Copy 4 Platinum is a good program but you cant re-author or control the burn speed ,thats why i choose clonedvd 2 with anydvd both have a free trial so download both and try them out. BTW you will need anydvd to bypass the protection with DVDCopy 4
aabbccdd Now you're letting our little secret about AnyDVD out without the asking. LOL As though it's not been mentioned a few million times on the forum. DVDCopy 4 does have a speed control feature, it's located in Main Menu (top right menu), Tools, Disc Tool, click More (to open Write Options/Actions). It appears to limit the source to the optical drives, virtual drives, and images on the hard drive (ISO, Nero and such). I don't see an option for files from the hard drive. Plus for doing the backup there are Full Disc, Movie Only, and Custom as options. In Custom you choose what you want. Plus there are the options for different output formats and different DVD formats in those (1 DVD5, DVD9, or split to different discs with no compression). Re-authoring? ===================================================================== ===================================================================== =====================================================================
@aabbccdd. i have not seen anyone like a software as much as you like clonedvd2, i see you talk about it a lot. i have clonedvd2 also, great tool to re-author and handles corrupted files better than any software outthere. my problems is clonedvd2 output quality when large amount of compression is involved, le's say over 70%. i have seen it time and time again, clonedvd2 doesn't do as well as shrink and recode2, they out put is some much better than clonedvd2 in term of quality. of course when applying deep analysis and AEC in shrink and recode2.
Past 20% compression a person should start thinking about a true encoder if high quality is the priority. I own a number of apps (DVDCopy 4, CloneDVD 2, DVD2One, Nero Recode 2, DVDFab Platinum, DVDneXtCopy, XCopy Platinum, plus the free DVD Shrink, with a host of utilities and apps for AVI files). I have Rebuilder, Cinema Craft Encoder, and ProCoder 2 for encoding tasks that drop below the 80% ratio. The trade off is time for quality. As far as quality, I suspect CloneDVD 2 can't go quite as far as some of the other transcoders under high compression, but for common sense use, it does as well as the others. With all the transcoders, where compression is an issue, the user should go with the movie only option with a single language and audio option (Dolby or DTS).
brobear i havent used DVDCopy 4 much yet good info on being able to control the burn speed.i guess we finally got though to them lol i called them and email Intervideo several times about this issue. and iam with you when you have a higher compressed movie Rebuilder, Cinema Craft Encoder, is the way to go i cant tell that much difference between using clonedvd 2 dvd shrink or recode in quality where as you can with Rebuilder, Cinema Craft Encoder bigtime
Sorry I wasn't clear here, I posted in this newbie section because I'm a newbie you can say for the DVDCopy4, I've never used it, that's all, as far as all the other apps, I have used plenty of them for many years, presently I just bought DVD-RB and I have CCE too. What I meant by, "allowing customers to burn their own movies", is for the tourists mostly that want to bring in their video camera and copy that video onto a DVD. I didn't mean to imply DVD ripping and encoding, LOL. I live in Hawaii, so we get alot of tourists in the Cafe, and the owner sees the potential for having a app, they can transfer their videos to a DVD. So with that now clear, is the InterVideo DVDCopy 4 Platinum a good app to use for this purpose? ALOHA P.S. For DVD ripping and encoding I know all about this, I'm just looking for a app to transfer video camera movies into making a DVD.
This is one of those times where I'll say that Roxio has an edge with the Easy Media Creator 8 Deluxe Suite. There's a number of apps in the suite for processing video from camcorders and handling photos. http://www.roxio.com/en/products/emc/deluxesuite/index.jhtml Remember that Roxio has been known not to work well with other recording software on some systems. I think Sonic has improved on that a bit. I've not heard much about the conflicts recently. I've had good luck with Roxio in the past with no interference problems. Just make sure the tourists don't walk off with any of the included adapters. Bueanas noches.
the only conflits you will have with roxio is the "Drag To Disc" program same with nero INCD conflits with some software i agree with brobear DasFox roxio is the best program for your needs
aabbccdd I should have gone into a bit more detail it seems. You're right on the Drag to Disc type software. Batch writing software is often a problem with video recording software. The batch ware wants to keep a link with the burner and interferes with the other software. Same with Nero's InCD as you mentioned, plus a number of others. 321 had a long list of the apps from different sources. Driver conflicts caused problems as well. In fact Roxizap is a little app that was developed to clean up after some Roxio versions that didn't want to uninstall properly. A lot of the bugs have been worked out over the various versions. Most people who have the new Roxio apps are happy with them.