Definition: Ringtones are the musical sounds produced by mobile phone someone makes call you or SMS arrives. Types of ringtones: There are basically three types of Ringtones: 1) Monophonic Ringtones (Monophonic Ringtonez): Simply plays one note at a time. 2) Polyphonic Ringtones (Polyphonic Ringtonez): Play several notes simultaneously 3) True Tones: Tones having common noises or human voices instead of music or melodies
Hey ringtone, thanks for that info i was wondering what a Monophonic Ringtones was,i thought it was a type of hat. lol,im joking well atleast you put a effort in mate. sorry if this ofends you or anything, im only messing but its just the fact you made a whole thread for it . as weazel200 said...