i've been looking around for an ipod case, mostly bestbuy/futureshop. i'm leaning towards the iSkin eVo3 Skin Case For 30GB. thoughts???....
i have iskin evo3 for my ipod and yes there very good i reccomend in you buying ojne if you want i can send you pictures of mine so u can see how it looks.
Hey, smaan. I like just to get an average silicone case such as the one shown here: http://cgi.ebay.com/Apple-Ipod-Vide...ryZ56170QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting Then clearcal to protect the screen shown here: http://www.radtech.us/Products/ClearCal.aspx
DO NOT BUY AN iSKIN I am telling you, the worst skin is iSkin, the pictures on their website are totally off... get a Contour Design - iSee
I use the invisibleSHEILD, its thin, very durable, and comes with a lifetime warrenty just in case it ever scatches or something. Check out their website and see the pen test, that's how durable it is.