Hey i have got a few problems. I cant use the new ipod installer so i have to use the old one and add those two files manually. But when i start IPL i get an error in blue letters saying podzilla is not found or something like that. I know how to filx this though all i have to do is put the podzilla file back on my ipods HD again but my HD is screwed up.... itunes says i need to reformat it so i cannot acess the ipods HD to put the files back on... What can i do??? In the new ipod installer i get an error saying something about syntax and stuff and it tells me to restart my ipod. That did nothing.. Does anyone know how to fix either of these problems??? Please help im dying to play half-life and iDoom
When you put Linux on your iPod you may have put the partition in a bad spot, but to bypass iTunes telling you you can't access the hardrive just force it into disk mode [hold menu and center to restart, then when the Apple logo appears hold down play and center] This should allow you to open your iPod in 'My Computer' and add whatever files you'd like to it.
Yeah i know that but windows says i need to reformat the drive so i cant even see those files on the ipod harddrive know what i mean?? Any ideas???
Oh, that is interesting. It's pretty late here but I'll look something up tommorow afternoon and get back to you.
hey dark jello, i LOVE your signature....LONG LIVE FIREFOX...just cant wait til firefox 2 comes out...do u know if it already has?