my ipod is being wont update any more because i delated a playlist while it was updating because it was just being annoying. it said it didnt have room when i knew it did because i only have half filled it... all i really want to know how to do is wipe the ipod then still have my ipod libary and update it with its new libary. is this possible? thanks
So you want to wipe the iPod without deleting any of the files on it? That doesn't make sense nor is it possible. If all of your files are on your computer you could simply restore it[effectively erasing it and returning it to the state it came in] and then just upload all of your files again. You could also back up the files on your iPod with a method described here: And then put the files you want onto your iPod.
sorry i was annoyed when i posted and wasnt rly thinking stright all i want to know is it possible to wipe the ipod then when i connect it to my pc i can then just update it with itune with new files? thanks