my friend got a i pod nano for christmas and they didnt have many songs on it so i said i would put my songs on there i pod nano for them when i installed everything and cleared some songs of there ipod nano the whole of the ipod nano screen goes white and theres nothing on the screenits totaly blank no info on it at all when i turn it off and on its still the same no info at all loos like theres no operating sysetem on iy just a blank scren all the time i tried restoring to factory settings still wont work holding menu and other vutton for 10 seconds or more still nothing any one with any advice welcome or loos like i gotta buy my friend a new ipod nan when all i was trying to do was being nice by giving a few of my songs now gonna cost me 140 pounds
if you have reset it, and tried restoring, it's likely to be a notorious faulty nano screen. If you are still under warranty, you will be entitled to either a free repair, or a replacement iPod..
sorry to bother you again but ive been looking for a contct number for apple but cant find one im in england and only number i can find is for one in america can some onr give me number to ring for england cheers
(From Apple.Com/uk) - Call the Apple Store on 0800 039 1010 (UK) - Apple Sales Support on 0800 039 1515 (UK) - To get technical support over the phone, please call 0870 876 0753 (UK)