Hi there, I m havin problems with the videos... Its that the videos doesnt show up in my iPod whereas in iTunes they are there in the library... They are in MPEG-4 Format, they are having the T.V. icon beside them but they are not on the iPod. I actagorized them as TV SHOWS but in the video menu of my IPOD theres no section for TV SHOWS and i checked all the other sections but couldnt find them... I tried to reset my iPod, I added them again in the library, and tried everythin I could... PLS HELP ME WITH GETTIN OVER THiS PROBLEM ... Also my videos menu never changes... Doesnt matter i add a video or remove or change its catagory it alwayz remains like: VIDEO PLAYLISTS> MOVIES> MUSIC VIDEOS> VIDEO PODCASTS> VIDEO SETTINGS> And iTunes doesnt let me drag videos of any other formats so that it can convert the videos to Mp4 So any suggestions???
use im too dvd to ipod and creat a mp4 file which you said you ve done but i recommend this program it works very well for me also you should make sure that you have the tv out option under video settings set to off other wise the videos will not work if this doesnt work you have a firmware problem and i recommend downloading the latest software update for your ipod. if you have more questions ill be glad to help
The problem is you can't manually make a TV Show video, and have it show up in TV Show. Really know idea why. I have heard if you use this progam it will fix it for you, although I havn't tried it myself. http://members.verizon.net/pucklock/iPTV/iPodTVShow.html