I recently got a IPod from a friend... perfect condition.. only had 30 songs out of the 15 gig barely used... it was working perfectly (3rd generation 15 gig ipod) i go to connect it to my itunes and it doesnt reconize through itunes... eventually it told me i had to reset and restore my ipod and delete everything on it... so i did what it told me... Now i cant get it to the main screen.. nor will it read through itunes.... i went on every website, read all the instructions booklet, and nothing helped with my specific problem... when i do touch a button... the apple logo appears then flashes a picture of the USB cable and a arrow pointing down... i heard this means it needs to be charged.. so i charged it.... nothing changes.... again.. this ipod was perfect.. untill i reseted it like it asked me too.... now everything is all screwed up.... i tried and tried and tried.. i know my USB connections are good.. they work with everything else and the IPOD does reconize when i insert it each time... i flashes the logo.. then back to the USB logo and then back off.. "what are the last few steps to restore you ipod after you reset it.. and you cant get it to read through your USB port?'
If you did everything by the book, & you are still seeing the USB cable, the battery in your iPOD is bad. You will need to contact a dealer to get it replaced. PCfixinman BTW..same thing happened to my friends, after a new battery, it was fine.
try restoring the ipod again. or try a soft reset (hold menu and centre buttons for about 6 seconds until apple logo appears.) im pretty sure that it is not a battery problem. post back if that doesnt work. or, it cold be a firmware issue. try downgrading to firmware 1.0 if you have 1.0, or you can try upgrading to version 1.2, but I haven't heard any reviews about it yet.