last week my wife did an update on my nano and now my ipod restarts it self everytime i turn it on and everytime i disconnected from the pc.also neither itunes or the ipod updater can recognize shows on my computer as a storege device but when i try to open it it gives me an error. is there a way to fix this??? can anyone help me with this? thanks.
Try forcing the iPod into disk mode (hold menu and centre buttons for 6 secs until apple logo appears, then immediately hole the play/pause and centre buttons for 6 secs until it boots into disk mode. Then, it should be recognised by the apple updater for you to restore. And remember, restoring it will take off all the data/songs/videos on the iPod, so make sure that you have a backup somewhere on your computer. Post back if this doesn't work. Jazo
I'm glad somebody has had the same problem as me. I luckily purchased my nano with a 2 year replacement warranty so took it back and got a new one. Unfortunately, I was idiotic to try to download the updater again to see if it was just a fluke accident, and of course now my brand new nano is rendered useless by the same errors. It is not recognized by itunes, i get the error messages, it trys to autoplay, etc., etc. Please tell me you found a fix for this, please! If not, I guess its back to Best Buy to exchange it one last time and stick with the old version. Damn, I thought Apple was a better company than this. I need the new version to run my nike plus software, but guess I'll have to return that and the shoes as well. Any advise out there?