I have added a new video to my ipod library and it appears there and in the video section fine and also runs from itunes on the pc. However when i update my ipod it is not added to the actual ipod! I dont understand why as i have other videos on there. Also in the video section, on itunes a television section is present but this does not appear on my ipod Please Help! Also i am running out of pc memory..is there anyway i can delete songs and videos from my pc without them no longer appearing on my ipod Help with any of these would be much appreciated! Thanks
If you have videos categorized as 'TV Shows', then they will not show on your iPod unless you have downloaded them from the iTMS. To remedy this, you may want to try a loophole program, known as [bold]iPodTVShow[/bold]. More info & a download of this application can be found through the following link.. http://www.ipodhacks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=966
You may want to check what format the video is in. Make sure that it is mp4. If it is then I would try to set the iPod to manually update, then simply click and drag the video onto the iPod icon in the source menu. It may be simple, but has worked for me!