I have an IRiver H10 - 5GB. I love it and havent really had any problems with it. The only thing I cant seem to work out is the star system. On the Unit itself and also on the computer software you can rate your songs from 1 star to 5 stars but when you update your playlists it doesnt automatically update your star ratings. Am i doing something wrong or is there a glitch in the software.
I've just bought my iriver h10 and its awesome!! I've had the same trouble with getting the star ratings- what sort of system are you using?
Ok, im using a mac, and i have to use the iriver software through an emulator, and i thought because of that it might have affected some of the features... i reckon its a glitch because i've set ratings in the music library and i can't transfer any of that information to my iriver
Hey i just found out how to get ratings for individual songs- when you're playing a song, hold down the "o" button and a star screen will come up- scroll down then hit the button again to save that song's rating. You can also add a song to the quick list by holding down the "o" button when you're on the scrolling list...