Hi. Basically what I am asking is, as I hate copy compression on my dvds and would like the exact image quality of the original source, if I copy the original DVD to my hard drive and watch the movie from there, can I be assured that no compression whatsoever had been made and that it would be exactly the same to watch the movie via the DVD or the HD? Using a DL DVDR would provide me that same 1:1 copy quality, right? What is your favorite software to make exact copy of your dvds? Thank you!!
The video is already compressed on the DVD, but a transfer to a hard drive and watched from there or a recording on a DL disc will not add any more compression. The video data are the same.
you will get no quality loss unless you compress it to fit onto a regualr blank dvd. some dvds wont even get quality loss burned to a regular burnt dvd, it just depends on the size of the original dvd. my favorite backup suite is slysofts anydvd + clonedvd 2 combo then using imgburn to burn the .iso it creates. its the easiest to use and can be set to DL DVD with no compression at all. However, if you do want everything including special features and warning trailers etc all you would really need is anydvd and use anydvds ripper to rip a straight copy to your hdd then burn with imgburn. clonedvd just lets you remove annoying adverts and special features or languages you dont need that take up space.