Is anyone getting full 16:9 movies on their ipod video? How?

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by WestrnSon, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. WestrnSon

    WestrnSon Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    I have tried Videora, 3GP converter, Nero recode2 and cucusoft to convert widescreen Napoleon Dynamite to mp4 and none have worked exactly correctly.

    Videora and 3gp converter make full screen squished images of the full movie. Nero makes a proper widescreen but very poor quality file. Cucusoft does the strangest thing in that it makes a very nice quality widescreen movie but is about 18 minutes short of the whole movie.

    All the above results came from a file created with DVD decryptor. I have tried using the VOB file as well as an MPEG created from that file with a program called VOB2mpeg. With the mpeg I can confirm that the VOB is the whole feature which is about 1:34 minutes.

    Generally I am following the guides stickied in this forum. I have tried countless variations and many settings. If I could get Cucucsoft to do the whole movie I would be fine but it just wont do it.

  2. dkmopq

    dkmopq Guest

    Try to rip iPod video from your DVD disc, VOB files or MPEG.
    The trial version of Cucusoft dvd to ipod video converter can convert the whole movie with watermark left. What error infomation after ripping 18 minutes?
    Have a look at the guide about cucusoft in my sign.
  3. WestrnSon

    WestrnSon Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Ripping from DVD results in audio sync issues with cucusoft. Not sure what you're saying by "Try to rip iPod video from your DVD disc, VOB files or MPEG."

    Here is what I am doing.

    DVDdecryptor to produce one very large vob of the main feature from the DVD.

    Cucusoft suite (I have already purchased) to convert the VOB on my HDD to mp4 for the ipod.

    The mp4 file plays and looks fine but is shorter than the actual movie (as stated in my original post). There is no error message it just reaches 100% at 1:15:55 instead of 1:34:21. Under the output settings in Cucusoft it also shows the full length (encode entire movie) to be 1:15:55. I changed something else and then changed it back to "ipod video" in that first dropdown in the upper left and it increased to 1:30:15. I haven't finished encoding that attempt yet.

    I know the VOB is the full feature becuase I have converted the same file in other programs that have other unacceptable issues. The mpeg that I can generate from the VOB is also the full length. Cucusoft has the best output but for some reason it is misreading the length of the movie.

    I have followed your guide and it was what lead me to purchase the Cucusoft suite. Unfortunately there is a bug or something. PLease advise.

    Thanks, WS

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