Is I/O Magic a Benq..I have the answer for all those who wanted to know.

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by stormnyte, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. stormnyte

    stormnyte Member

    Aug 27, 2006
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    I have seen some asking if the IO Magic is a Benq.

    I bought another dvd burner ( gf wanted one, so I said let's try another brand,so we did)

    The IO Magic, with the the Red dot 16x & 8xDL, in a clear wrapping is indeed a benq dw1650..anyway this one is.

    Looks nice. On & off switch, fan.

    How good is it: Terrible!!!
    Took 15mins to burn a dvd at 16x 22,160kbs.
    And Loud. I have a hearing loss & between the fan & the burn I can actually hear this in the other room.

    My Lite on took a little over 4 mins.

    So there ya go.

    "By the way...why did no one answer my post about my Lite On having a Sony drive. I read where Sony install "Rookits"? Can someone please explain that to me...pretty please"

    I am ready to give up on this & buy a simple DVD TV Recorder. I looked at them tonight. Salesman said my camcorder will plug right into the back. Easy to use & I won't be tying up this PC. And have to deal with that Pinnacle device.

    Hope I was of some help to those interested.
  2. stormnyte

    stormnyte Member

    Aug 27, 2006
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    11, not one comment on my post.
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    How does device manager/nero/or another program recognize that I/O Drive?

    What's the firmware version?

    I didn't know they were using benq 1650s. I know they used some 1640s and 1655 lightscribes. They also used BTC and Empa drives. The I/O dvd-ram drive is a Benq 1670.

    I/O's use actual benq drives and rebadges-firmware version will tell us.

    Clanking noises? Every brand name of burner can have some bad drives get out of the plant. BenQ 1650 is very quiet. I've got excellent hearing and can't even tell when it's burning.

    I'm not sure about the rootkits. I heard something about sony putting rootkits on some of their commercial music cds shortly before christmas,till someone found it and exposed sony.A post here at AD advised us not to purchase sony commercial cds for a while because of that.
  4. stormnyte

    stormnyte Member

    Aug 27, 2006
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    Hi...thanks for the reply.

    Yes it was the benq. Very loud & gave me gave me all kinds of errors.
    I was excited that I got it, but nothing but problems. Took longer then average to burn my DVD.

    I ended up returning it. And, after rebate was only $60.

    On the rootkit, seems no one knows much. I have done some reading. I don't play my CD's on my pc, so that would not affect me. I am a musician & have a recording studio. So all my music is done with hardware not software.

    Sure wish someone could explain Rootkits. I am wondering if a Sony DVD drive can install a rootkit?

    have a great weekend there..

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