Are softmods buggy by nature? I recently upgraded my hd and softmodded again. It worked great. I used AID 4.10 to get all the goods back where I had them. I had trouble with the dual boot setup (unleash x and retail) at first. I could not get the ms dash to load. Then I could not get any video files to play in XBMC. So...being bored I threw in my Halo 2 disc and copied it to the hd. Clear Halo 2. No videos in XBMC still. I shut off the box and later when I hit the eject button to fire up the box I get the MS dash. works now. Is this sort of thing normal with softmods? I have yet to try XBMC video files again.
Normal? No. I would assume you may have either a dodgy Softmod installer or you were having dash corruptions! Did you use all clean files or did you clone the files from the original HDD?
I used AID 4.10 to install everything. I had used xboxhdm to start with a clean drive. I uninstalled and reinstalled XBMC and the video problems cleared up. I adjusted the resolution settings down to 720p from 1080i also. Apparently ms decided that 64mb of memory was plenty for us greedy modders. Next up is the static ip setup. Not looking forward to it at all.
Another it safe to use AID to install XBMC as my dash instead of an app? I have unleash x as my main dash right now. I use XBMC a lot more and it is a bit of extra work to run as an app every time I boot up. I see there is a program called XSelect that allows you to choose one of several dashes on startup but I don't want to screw anything up. If I do install XBMC as the dash will I still be able to boot to ms dash like I can now?
Yeah, I use XBMC as my dash and I will ONLY install dashes with AID! It's works flawlessly and leaves no room for error (I like that)! As for you Static IP Addressing, follow my "Networking" guide, explains everything!