I ripped a movie from a dvd as .vob files. I was wondering if there were any software (preferably free or tial version) that would allow me to cut parts of the original .vob file out and stick them together again (as a .vob file) ?
Fast and cheap with DVD Shrink. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/how_to_copy_dvd_with_dvd_shrink.cfm Load the movie folder into DVD Shrink. 1. 'Reauthor' 2. Drag 'Title 1' from the right side of the window to the left. 3. Click the Start/End icon. 4-5 Set/drag to the first part you wish to keep. 6. OK Drag 'Title 1' again and repeat. Click 'Backup' to save the clips to a new DVD folder or burn with Nero.
what if I already saved the .vob files to a folder already? I installed dvdshrink, loaded it up, changed the mode to re-author. When I went to the folder that contains the .vob files it seems that dvd shrink does that recognize it.
What program was used to rip the DVD? If DVD Shrink refuses to open the folder, it means that it is not a standard DVD folder. A standard folder is named 'VIDEO_TS' and apart from .vob has .ifo and .bup files too.
If you want to edit VOB's and join them. Use the trial version of VideoRedo the trial version can edit 30 minute chunks of video, which is the size of typical VOB file. It is frame accurate and fast, no reencoding is used.