i dont think you can emulator psp games on a xbox but what about the psp homebrew that would be good i wouldnt have to download all the xbox emulators if i already have then for the psp i know theres a windows psp emulator the emulates the homebrew
Well; in theory you could program that. However, look at it this way. The standard hardware under the hood of an unmodified xbox is a 733mhz processor with 64 mb of ram. With modded programs, etc; it can barely emulate a PS1 or a N64, the N64 clocks in at 90mhz. So, you want them to spend time programming a system that can barely choke down emulation for a 90mhz, so that it can absolutely die trying to emulate a 333Mhz PSP? No, it will never happen. And running an emulator in an emulator would be horrific for performance.