Hi, I am totally new to burning dvd's. I'm a fairly advanced computer user but just never had the need to burn dvd's before. So anyway I went out and bought an LG Light Scribe external drive, and am burning with Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 "Quick DVD" (?!)... So mostly I am burning .avi's that I download, and I am surprised and apalled at how long it is taking to record a simple one hour 400mb tv show! It seems to take about 2-3 hours to record a tv show onto dvd from one of these .avi's! And today I recorded 1:40:00 of the Obama inauguration I downloaded (again, an .avi, of 499mb) and it took about 3 hours for my burner to burn it to a dvd. So my very basic and probably dumb beginner's question is: Is it SUPPOSED to take THIS long to record a dang tv show?! Is there any way of speeding it up? I mostly record .avi's so I am finding this to be pretty unsatisfactory. Does it record other formats faster? Is there a better external drive I should have bought that would increase the speed of burning .avi's? Is it a problem of my 2 year old computer? Do I need a new computer - is that the problem? (XP SP2, 512MB RAM) Please advise. Thanks for your answers in advance. And thanks for cutting this newbie some slack, I didn't see any threads dealing with this question...
Hi, is your burner set to PIO and or is DMA off? If so this would explain your problems. Then you would need to set DMA on. Jo
Hi, I'm not even sure what that is but I'll dig around the site and try to figure it out and then check it. Thanks!
Hi again, DMA direct memory access (fast)(for the burner) need to look in devices PIO Processor Imput/Output, the data goes to the cpu prior to be burned (slow) http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038 Jo
Welcome to AD jim! Double check those DMA's [bold]it took about 3 hours for my burner to burn it to a dvd[/bold] Shouldn't take that long to burn,but sounds about right for the transfer of avi to dvd. I'm not an expert on that aspect of dvd backups and almost a newb at it as well. I've been using convertxtodvd 3 to do that job. It's one of the faster programs for this process and pretty simple.All backups that I've done so far are well below 90 min total process time.It's highly referred around here. Dvdflick is also another highly touted free program that should be capable of that task. Use quality media like verbatim/taiyo yuden and keep burn speed at 8x. If using anything else,keep the burn speed at 4x. Transcoding/encoding puts a toll on your pc resources. Most veterans restrain from multi-tasking during that stage of the backup process,as well as the burn process. A dual-core processor should help. I'm still old school, LOL! Good Luck and Burn on!
Time for a little more pot stirring. Here's an example of a well reviewed LG burner “LG GH22LP20 is a solid performer and an excellent choice for reliable CD and DVD burning at record speeds. It effortlessly produces quality burns faster than most other drives to date. We highly recommend it.” paired with Taiyo Yuden discs. SONY DVD-R 16X ( TYG03 ) Batch #GH000073 - 0909 LG GH22NP20 1.00 ...Nero CD/DVD Speed Burn Speed 4X Note the quality score of this 4X burn. Let's move up a few notches. SONY DVD-R 16X ( TYG03 ) Batch #GH000073 - 0909 LG GH22NP20 1.00 ...Nero CD/DVD Speed Burn Speed 12X Now note the quality score whan burned at 12X. When considering a new burner check out CDFreak's reviews. They always test various media and post the results for each burner. Making it simple to get a nice burner media match. The 'one size fits all' myths about lower burn speeds can obviously produce very poor burns. I like TYG02 (8X -R) discs. They are priced right and tend to work well in most burners and players, new and old. The reviews showed that the Pioneer 115D did well with these. Here's 2 of my Pioneer burned scans (I use my BenQ for scanning). These discs were both burned at 12X... over the rated speed of 8X. Wishing you all a Happy Burnday.
MysticE, I've seen the exact thing myself, and mentioned it a few times, but only in passing. Some media actually like the faster speeds, and the proof is in the tool results. I always use 12x. On my burner, (getting old now) an NEC 3540a with stock firmware takes about 7 minutes to fill the DVD.
Yea 12X is a good speed, fast enough. According to a Pioneer rep their research shows most folks burn at 'max', hence it's important that their burners can handle rated speeds... that's where they try to optimize their burners.
saugmon, I think you hit the nail on the head. I did not realize that it takes so long to transfer the .avi to a dvd format. I burned a 2 hour movie yesterday and it took like 5 hours or more, even though I already switched everything to DMA as suggested above! (I'm not sure I had to leave it going when I went to bed.) I will try the software you mentioned for transferring avi's to ? burnable format and see if that quickens the process.
I'd like to point out that with my system (XP SP2) I did not have to go through all the stuff in the forum url posted here above in order to switch to DMA. All I had to do was go to Device Manager, double click on IDE then to Advanced tab and choose DMA. It was not necessary to delete the old driver as it says in the thread. However, doing so did not solve my problem. However, I think the problem I have is not in "burning faster" but rather in transferring an .avi to a dvd which involves a slow transferring process. If I am mistaken on this, please advise.
True. I've never messed with an external dvd-rom/dvd-rw drive. Convertxtodvd is pretty fast and cpu intensive. I've heard countless stories of nero taking 4+ hrs to transfer. I used it yesterday to combine 4+ hrs of avi movies onto 1 dvd+r and convertx did it in under 2 hrs. Convertx is picky on the media I've been using. I got into a batch of Office Depot +16x riteks and started getting burn errors at the 1st minute of the burn. Switch to bottom of spindle and all was ok. Took some other discs from the top and burned with dvd shrink/nero and no problem-perfect backups.ImgBurn had no trouble either. Still working on that top section of that spindle,went back to convertx and coasters again. Latest 100 pk of OD is having no issues with convertx. Pretty wierd! 7-8 costers in a couple days. Usually takes me 2+ years to amass that number of coasters.
I cannot tell you if it matters or not, and yes it is USB. But when I checked the device manager it WAS listed as PIO so I changed it as above. It did not however SEEM to make any difference. (I've only used it once but did not notice any difference.)
Why even bother burning with CXD? The Patin-Couffin Access Layer that VSO developed was meant as an alternative to Apaptec's ASPI. Those days are long gone. ImgBurn is the way to always go. I like the new CXD and use it for many projects, but my final burns are always with ImgBurn.
@jimsocal saugmon is correct about the time the pc needs to change the format of an AVI to comply with a DVD blank. Definitely don'y want to multitask. You can start everything before retiring and it's ready when you get up.
I'm using Nero 7 and it takes about 40 minutes to convert a 1.3 gb divX file to DVD and seven minutes to burn to disc at 8 x.
Most definately agree here. Despite what process is used, i too always burn the final product with Imgburn.