Ok Folks, dont flame me for asking, Ive had a look on here and the Web but cant find anything. Here in the Mids, The 'V's engineers have been going around dircetly switching signals off by the green box if you dont subscribe to any Tv package - Has anyone heard of this??? 2 main estates have had most of theres cut off on Fri/sat last week. Im just curious for those who dont actually pay for a Tv package....
Could be true, it is very possible and has happened before so not really unusual, it is always the best policy to subscribe to the minimum package unless you have VM broadband then that would also be fine.
Totally agree with malci. If you haven't subscribed to anything from them don't be surprised if your disconnected. You should have a basic at least.
Thanks for the Input. Im ok as I have the Tv package aswell as 20mb Broadband. I know of a few people on my street who have only got the BB service so I take it they will be ok. Aslong as im still on for xmas - Im happy!
yeah they will be fine if they only have broadband cos tv is carried on the same feed as broadband so they cant dissconect one without the other