Sorry to bother you with, prob a stupid question. could you tell me if my burner is any good. I have a LITE-ON LTR-401255. thank you for your time. ward79
hi and YEP! a 2 sheep burner! excellant!
Ward, Excellent burner m8 and be sure you're using the latest firmware for your Litey LTR 40x. The Firmware page: MTKWin Flash (IDE Mode): [bold] @ Rotary [/bold] Gives you speeling lessons as you spelled excellent wrong (hehe). Did you downlod& install latest firmware for the Litey LTR 52x burner (I recommended)? I believe it's 6SOF.. Shoey
hi there all yep shoey i HATED school as i often never went there! i used to shoot pool with the guys! and other stuff... LOL yep that update on the litty is in! 6SOF - also you dont need the winktflash thing!!! as its a .EXE and loads itself very easy!!! Thx.... PS SUPERCALERFRAGERLISTICEXPEALODOSHUS LOL.........