About 3 weeks ago I decided to plug in a usb mouse that was lying around. It appears to be that the mobo shorted out bc one out of 2 didnt come on indicting that plus besides one light nothing came on. Today I get my new motherboard and I put together. I turn it on and both lights on my motherboard light up the fans started spinning and the Led temp turned on. But then the noticed the monitor never turned on so I decided to put my old Geforce MX in bc its PCI. Still nothing. After farther review the mobo never posted and there's no HDD activity. The drive bays open but that it. So did my Processor die too? Man this sucks all I was doing was using a goddamn mouse.Thanks for help.
Farther info on the subject; my mobo doesn beep and I know the internal speakers are set up. I just tried booting without the cpu in and got a bunch of flashing lights. I dont know what that means.
can't boot without a cpu as same as saying you are alive without your brain installed. disconnect all power & data cables to drives, remove all cards & ram except for a videocard & 1 stick of ram. reseat those 2 plus the motherboard power connector(s). try another psu.
try a metal conductor put one end on the green hole and one on the black one there's only one green and some black 。。。。。。。。。。 the fourth one on the top is green 。。。。。。。。。。 the fifth one is black connect those and turn on the power to c if psu is ok
try that c if it boot. that's what happen to me 2 like 2 weeks ago. but the problem with me is that i toasted my mobo.