anyone seen leno making fun of paris. they were playing that carls jr. commser with her. then jay rolls down his car window and says, get your skinny a** of my car
rap4life, you might want to cool it on the threads for a while. i'm advising you as a friend: try to read less of the Safety Valve and more of the tech forums on here. you'll gain a reputation as an ass and a moron, whether you are or not, but creating many threads in a short time while not really posting on existing threads and doing it all in the SV. it creates the appearance that you're just trying to rack up posts to raise your rank. you can be watched closely by some of the mods here, and i'm trying to save you a tongue-lashing or worse. paris is uuugggllllyyyy, imho
@Auslander: uuugggllllyyyy is in the eye of the beholder... Paris has the kind of looks only money can buy, and probably the Olympics as well. ...feels like the pills have kicked in. Gnite.
No offense to the Paris lovers out there...but she is just another girl who has blonde hair... Hell, I seen plenty at the mall, and to be honest...nothing spectacular. Now the girl who plays the main character in ALIAS...HOLY CRAP!!! I think her name is Jessica she is something to look at! Anyways, back to PH...she isn't much to say anymore cause of all the crap she has been into and at this point, I am going to say..."save the drama for your mama!" Later! ;P
I think the girl on alias is jennifer garner and jessica alba is on dark angel or something like that thinks you are absolutely right... So, I shall change name to Jessica Garner...but Alba is still just as well a looker! ;P
Paris Hilton is nothing more than a silver spooned ditch pig whose only claim to fame is her sorry ass video taped screw sessions. An ugly person on the inside makes an ugly person on the outside.
I read an interview where Paris admits that the SImple Life is scripted (which becomes obvious upon watching it). She thinks of herself as a: Model, actress, and BUSINESS WOMEN.HAHAHAHA!!!!! Being a guy, and in business, I feel ashamed to have her name tarnishing the good name of business. But think of the business women, who work night and day to make millions. Enraged is the word I should use to describe the feeling they must experience. Every gal I know hates Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Hollywood even laughs at her. They just get her to act, making her believe she's doing something, making her believe she's making a difference, but I'm surprised she doesn't see the whole world is laughing at her. She acts so people can laugh at how stupid she is, and how dumb she is. Business women? Yeah right. As someone who I strongly agree with previously mentioned, she's famous because of her screw tapes, which she gets extremely pee'd off about when someone talks about. And her and Nicole Richie get extremely pissed off when someone calls them down, newsflash honey, the entire galaxy thinks you're stupid. And you Richie. With such a talented father, Nicole is crapping all over the family name. Imagine her kids, what does your grand daddy do? He's Lionel Richie. Wow! And what does your mother do? She's a dumb bimbo pornstar ho. GET A REAL JOB YOU TWO! PUT ONB A SUIT! GET A LIFE! NOT A SIMPLE LIFE, A REAL LIFE.