Hi Gents... As some of you remember I got a Sony DRU-530A DVD burner and came here for advice. With your advice I have been plugging (burning) along fine for weeks. Now I see that Sony has a Firmware upgrade which I tried to install but it would not co-operate. It would just ask for a re-boot over and over again. So I tried to go to a Firmware page called, Interestingly enough, "The Firmware Page". I tried to sign up so I could find out about my questions but recieved no answers at all. Contacting Sony was a joke as most of you probably know. This is when I decided to ask my friends at Afterdawn. SOOOooooooo.......... I'm wondering if I really need to mess with it? You know the phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I do not have any problem with the burn times but would like a 2x increase in burning as anyone in their right mind would. I have only made one coaster in the weeks of burning and that was my fault. I have been using Shrink/Decrypter/Nero in XP Pro and am happy as a clam thanks to your advice. Any suggestions? Thanks Soja
I have a 510a that i upgraded the firmware in this weekend and did not exp. any problems. i know that the insrtuction page directs you to disable DMA and other things before you begin. my setup rebooted three times before it was finished. however afterwards i haven't notice anything different. i could burn at 4x before and after the update. i only use shrink and nero, and unless i have a movie that i'm going to see and not my son i burn at 4x, for my son rca tv w/dvd player built in i have to burn at 1x or it freeze's no matter if it ritek, memorex, or the cheapest media. try it again, following the sony instructions.... good luck, Obewone
http://sony.storagesupport.com/dvdrw/dru530adwn.htm#dwns The Upgrade to Firmware 2.0C on your burner will do the following :- #1 Improves reading and writing performance on DVD-R. Improves reliability and recognition on certain DVD-R's. #2 will allow Sony DRU-530A and DRX-530UL drives to be able to record at 8X maximum on DVD-R media, and 4X maximum on DVD-RW media. Appropriate speed rated media is required. *************************************** Now that's what you getting if you upgrade -- YOU the judge if you need it! Check the instructions before you do the upgrade -- I have done in the last month about 8 upgrades for customers , without any problems. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper ! Take Care.[/small]