... You mean like stealing a kiss from your wife? OR stealing someone's property? ... Boy, morals can be a tricky business ...
say your in a 3rd world courty and you have no food or money, would stealing be right? Or what about bootlegging?
Before anyone can tackle this question you have to decide whether or not you believe in moral absolutes or that they are individual. If there are moral absolutes it is possible stealing to be morally wrong. If it is individual possibility is still there but it a little more trick because another person can't tell someone what they are doing is wrong. That would be inpossing your morals on others and it wouldn't be individual anymore.
I understand where your coming from c4iscool,I believe if you do live in poverty,3rd world country and you have a family(or by yourself) with no money or food,its only natural you have to do something to survive be it fighting or stealing.one way or another you have to provide to keep living its only natural but,if you do have money then its morally wrong.
if you are in a third world country and stealing you are probably stealing from someone else who is also poor,unless you're stealing from the government. we can justify morality all we want,but stealing is stealing. most of us would steal if we had to for survival, the problem lies in those who feel no remorse. the people who steal not to starve to death probably feel horrible to have to do it. the people who steal because they want something feel nothing at all.
I don't think stealing is ever right, regardless of what kind of situation. I'm not saying I would do it, heck If I was starving and had had no food for days, I would steal a nice cadbury's caramel Or maybe a nice loaf of bread. But If I was in a 3rd world country, I wouldn't hesitate to steal to survive. -Mike
lol. the irs twists your nipples till they turn bule. and sometime the money they take isn't used for a good reason. that's stealing to me!
i think im to stupid to understand this whole 3rd world country or whatknot but i know a friend that stole a psp from a kid that stole his psp and it ended up being the exact same one that the kid stole from him it had his memory on it and everything.
steal from big companies or the RIAA or MPAA is alright because they are cash cow. but stealing from indivdual who's trying to make a living is dead wrong.
no, someone was talking about how stealing was never right. and I started to think about. I mean if your hurting a big company does it matter or if you hurt just some guy does that play a part in if stealing is right or wrong????
I don't think stealing is right unless you're stealing from someone who is causing you trouble or is stealing from u. If you're in a 3rd world country morals don't even apply because it is a general human thing that we will do anything to surive.
Also, what is the definition of stealing??? IF someone is charging you a high price you feel is unfair?? Do you then steal for their misdeeed?
Stealing is never right because you never know what that other person had to go through to get what you have stole from them! Like this girl for instance, she had to go through a lot to keep her virginity. Then here I come...no regard for her trials and tribulations! I just took it!!! Just playing...(no offense)! But really, i believe that stealing from major corporations is ok. (i.e.)lets say a movie comes out and it makes 100 million in its first weekend...then I feel it is ok to go to your local bootlegger and get the bootleg.