My opinion and mine only,as they are like rear ends, everyone has one, for ease of use and features that most others do not have I like the viewsat ultra and the sonicview 4000. All files can be loaded with a flash drive. Both are made by the same company and have excellent support.
as the person said in the other post, it's my opinion. i myself have a coolsat 6000 and love it. everything is straight forward & easy to understand. but what really helps is reading different post from different places. the more you understand fta, the easier it is to pick a good reciever.
The thing I like about the vieswat is y9ou can upgrade the new bins without having to disconnect and hook it up to your computer. A thumb drive does the trick while it stays hooked up to the sat.
that sounds really cool. not sure of an upgrade for my 6000, but it's a pain to unhook it to load bins. i'm looking for another reciever for my basement, i'll definatly keep this one in mind. one question, is there an upgrade for the coolsat 6000
Ther is a upgrade you can get it at,hxxp:// The viewsonic is made by viewsat and has the same good support and the same features.
my many thanks billo, i'll definatly be getting that upgrade. thanks also for the info on the viewsat, me thinks the wife is going to go buy one very very soon