Between using DVD Shrink, Clone DVD, and InstantCopy 8, would I actually see a difference watching it on a normal 30" TV? The movie is 7gig and I cant decide what to use...
If you use DVD Shrink you can break the movie into 2 discs and get it to fit on to both and have 100% of the quality as the original.
Yeh Id rather not worry about getting the absolute best copy hwen for the most part I feel they all copy the same.
I am not sure how the other programs work but with DVD Shrink you can select only the movie and get just that part to fit on 1 DVD-R with pretty good quality.
hi, I'd suggest you use DVDShrink, it's quick and easy. The diferences won't be noticeable, especially if you get rid of the extras, extra subtitles and languages you won't need. i.e. just burn the movie to the blank. Instantcopy is also good but doesn't allow fine tuning of the compression for the different parts (extras, trailers, menu's) I've shrunk down to 55% and have not noticed anything much on the 32" widescreen.
most movies i dont notice any problems using shrink on my 32 but, concerts and other music dvds seem to always be crappy mainly when the drummer is on screen? but its music so who cares if the video is rough.