Just wondering is there a snes emulator available for ds. Have a 4gb m3dsreal so space isnt a factor. Hope ye can help. Al.
Yea there are a lot of them. I personally use SNEmulDS which you can download at http://snemul.com/ds/SNEmulDSv06.zip . I am not the autor of this.
I use SnesEmulDS for snes, but the M3 DS Real has support for nes roms....but i think they only work when using a slot-2 GBA expansion...you should check that out.
I have actually been having problems with the emulators that i found. I tried SnesDS, SNEmulDS, and SnezziDS. I think that SnesDS was the one that said crashed abort!. SNEmulDS worked, but there were pixelation issues, ( there were sprites that weren't appearing, and yes, i did mess with the settings to see if they would appear), And SnezziDS wouldnt boot, just straight to the loading menu. Sorry if this turned into more of a rant than a response but, i am sure there are more emulators than i was able to find.