Hi, i'm making a mp3 cd and have done a few so far succesfully. One problem that I am trying to correct is getting the program (Nero) to randomize the songs, instead of sorting them by the alphabetically. When I am listing to mp3 cd in my car, I really dont want to hear 10 songs from the same artist. I know you can put the cd player on "Random" but, then it plays random through all the folders. I just want it to play in 1 folder but, not the same artist so there for I would like to know if there is a way to randomize the mp3 files. Thank you for your help!
I'm sure I've done this before with Nero... I'm not at my PC right now. Let me try it on Sunday when I return and I'll send you another note. Remind me should I forget. Rgds, jnihil.
I was wrong jmet. Sorry about that. The ISO 9660 spec specifies that the filename to be sorted apparently. The only solution would be to prepend numbers (01, 02, etc) to the filenames in the order you want, then drag them into Nero. Rgds, jnihil.