Okay , I know that with UnleashX , you can change the color of your LED light on your xbox from green to red to orange. Well , I was wondering if that was possible to do with Evox (thats what I have). Thanks , thirst
I am not aware of that being done through Evox but, why not use XBtool? It lets you set the color of your led.
Okay , great , now , my xbox wont play ANYTHING. It wont play an original game , a backed up game , a CD-R or A DVD-R ... any suggestions?
Download XBMC and then go into the setting on it. There will be an option to change the LED light to Red, Orange, or Green. There will also be an option for it to cycle through the three colors really fast. The option stays in place once you go back out to your dashboard. I am using EvoX and it works just fine. Hope it helps. Blurred