Is There An Xbox Iso Shrinker?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by scamino1, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Hi, i just downloaded some Xbox games{Commandos strike force and ghost recon3}And i wanted to know if there was a shrink program to shrink it enough to put it on a cd Because i dont have a dvd burner.I would just flash it to my hd but its a stock drive and i tried this and was unsuccecful.thx.
  2. glitchzoo

    glitchzoo Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    i heard theres a way to srink it down a bit by changing the acuall game so instead of having 10 copies of an object for each levle you have one copy and it changes the levle programming so it goes to that one object.
    but to be honest i dont think xbox can read cd's (gamewise), even with my modded xbox i tried to run a homebrew program to update my modchip and i also tries a mini game but it didnt work because i put it on cd.
    so i dont think the xbox is designed to read game cds

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