you know when you put an audio cd into your pc and play it through windows media player, it searches the net for the album and track info and pastes it to the files?! is there any way this can be done for (legally) downloaded mp3 albums iv'e bought that just come down with track1.mp3, track2.mp3 etc... there must be a program or something that can do this surely? please help!
yes there are. There are many tagging programs out there that do this. The program connects to the freedB and then can tag and rename the files accordingly. Note that it only works on FULL albums, not individual songs. The best tagger out there hands down is one called Tag&Rename. It is very easy to use (windows explorer-like interface) and has TONS of features. I beleive the trial version lasts for 30 days, but it is WELL worth the $30 to register it. You should easily be able to find it by googling for it.
I use Mp3tag, but I can't seem to get to freeDB, so I just go to Gracenote whenever I need to find something. It's too bad that a program just can't recognise a song and look for the proper tags on it's own. Actually, there is, something like TagFixer, but it needed to be paid for. I was looking for a freeware that's easy to use as well.
Yes there is, just like I mentioned above. The only catch is the freedB needs the entire album in order to recognise it. (It looks at the track length of each track in the album to determine what album it is). I've never come across a freeware tagger, or at least a good one. Like I said, try Tag&Rename and you will see why its worth registering it.
What music download service do you use? Not with the RIAA or anything(lol), just curious. Is it eMusic?
for indivual songs as well as albums, soul seek is an excellent p2p app that focuses only on music. for recent complete albums IRC is a good resource as well