Hi Everyone, is there any program burn DVD that can be read by both DVD players and computer DVD players. i have tried Easy CD Creater and Neuro as post on these messages. so far they either work on DVD player or computer DVD player but not both on the same disk. please help, appreciate it, Tai Huynh
I have yet to see a program or a disc that only works on home DVD players, but not your computer's DVD player. I've been using Stomp RecordNow, and have had no trouble at all. My home player is a very old RCA and it has always been a little fussy, but the discs I burn turn out fine.
Hello Emailtai What you may be finding is the method of making the disc. By Neuro do you mean Nero? If you mean Nero it only burns DVD video using Disc at once and track at once DVD (as far as I can tell can't be done). This is good as DVD home players that do not reconize DVD-R or DVD-RW, will reconize these discs if burned using Disc at once because the disc is completely finilzed. However Roxio 6 is a completely different program and if you add your files using the Data dvd program it can ONLY use track at once. This is good for data DVD as you can add files later, but the disk is not finilzed and will appear as DVD-R or DVD-RW. So if you home dvd player does not see these discs then it will not work for you. Roxio 6 (not Roxio5) has a program called DVD builder. In this program the DVD discs are finalized using Disc at once and can be played on home dvd players. I am still tring to figure out how do add Vobs in this program as right now it wants to strip out all the audio. So to directly aswerer your question. Nero should be able to burn a DVD video disc that can be read in both home dvd player and computer. But Nero is not the only one.
I use nero and it works fine with everything if you cannot get this anymore go to the ahead site and download the latest version, although it sounds like a disc problem to me buy disks with the ritek dye they work in everything PC or standalone. Are you in the UK? if so go to this site for top quality disks: www.cd-rmedia.co.uk