does anyone know if it is possible to convert a wide screen avi download to full screen? any help would be greatly appreciated
To be clear, you are going to convert the AVI to DVD format, but your TV is 4:3 and you don't want the 16:9 movie in a letterbox?
Assuming that the AVI is converted and you have a wide-screen DVD in a file folder. Each VOB is patched, the whole demuxed, then recompiled with new IFO files before burning. This also assumes the disk contains one title (VTS_01_1.IFO). Run 'DVD Patcher', load each VOB of the title (VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_01_2.VOB etc) one at a time and apply the patch. Run 'Rejig', open in 'IFO' mode and 'Add' VTS_01_0.IFO On right hand window, check box for both streams, select an 'Output Directory' and 'Process'. Quit IFO Mode. Run 'DVD Author Mode'. Load the video and audio streams from the last step, select a 'Destination' and 'Create'. The output can be checked with the media player before burning. DVD Patcher ReJig demux vobs and create new IFO EDIT Note: This assumes NTSC video.