I'm just wondering if there is any way to speed up a dial-up connection?? I don't mean the d/l speed because it's too pathetic too even bother with, I'm just wondering if there is an way to make pages load faster PS - I'm using Firefox 3
http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Firefox-Load-Pages-Faster warning.. may make it slower too. if all else fails try opera.
Alright thanks I'll give it a go I heard that google chrome is the fastest at loading pages, is that true??
Chrome is generally faster at loading bursts of info, and the program loading, but it can't compensate for a slow transfer speed, loading images etc will still take just as long.
Alright thanks @varnull: I tried the tip you gave me but it slowed it down, especially when multiple tabs were opened. I guess I'll just stick with FF3, due to a number of add-ons that I really like and use a lot. Thanks for your help guys