Hey all, I wanted to put some MP3's and other files on my 1GB SD card, but I didn't want to buy a card reader for it. Is there any way through any software that I can use my Canon SD300 camera to copy files on to my SD card?
Connect your camera to the PC via USB cable, then go to My Computer and find it. Scroll to your camera (Removeable Device x) and Explore it. Then drag and drop the files to it. DO the same to take them off it again. Effectively, you are using the camera as your Card Reader anyway, so principal is the same
Yup already tried using Windows. My Computer, Explorer, both don't work. Once u try to drag a file, even an image file, without the use of Canon's own software, there's that circle with the diagonal line through it and u can't drop it in. Quite annoying.
try shutting off or disabling the canon software in msconfig. does the camera show up as a removeable drive?
As far as I know Canon doesn't load any sofware. I don't see anying listed anywhere in msconfig that's related to Canon also. It shows up in My Computer as Canon Powershot SD300. I can explore it just fine, even see the pictures off of it in Windows. I just can't write to it without the Canon software though.
Hmmm that's strange... Does it give you a program specific error? Eg, from the canon software? Cos if it does, I reccomend uninstalling your Cacnon software if you want to transfer. If it doesn't, then i see no point uninstalling...
It transfers pictures fine through the Canon software, but I wanted to transfer non-picture files, like MP3's, documents, etc.
So dragging and dropping to the camera in My computer don't work? Lol Hmmm, Have you tried uninstalling it then putting mp3s on it? Then reinstall software once done..? Seems a bit of a hassle, but may work...
Nope I can't use it like a normal USB storage device, even though I should be able to. I think it's a Canon thing. I was hoping for some work-around. I've formatted since I first installed it anyways so I know it's not some unusual problem. =\