Is there anyway to convert lots of AVI / MPG into a single ISO file for burning to a DVD-R? I'm not talking about just one. Maybe 20 or so into a single ISO. I know there are programs that'll convert them while burning them to a DVD-R but I don't want that. I just want to make the iso so I can reburn it over and over w/o having to reconvert them.
Hello. I'm not sure what you want for sure. If you want them left in native format, add them to a data DVD. If you want them DVD compliant, use any number of conversion programs to make them DVD compliant. You can then output from a conversion program an ISO image file or a folder of VOB files you can then burn as needed. If the program only outputs a burned DVD, you can always create an ISO and save it on your HDD or later burning. VSO's ConvertXtoDVD: DVD Copy 4 Platinum: TMPGEnc Express 3: DVD Santa: The Film Machine: NeroVision: All have free trials. DVD Santa and ConvertX watermark output in their trial versions. ConvertX is very popular. Unless your AVIs are short in length, you'll run into video quality problems if you attempt to put too many on a single DVD. Keep that in mind.
I use Nero Vision Express for my conversions and just output it as an image file. But like above you will only bebale to get a few AVI files onto the disc. It depeneds how big they are. You could also use whatever program your using to convert and burn the DVD and after it has burned use DVD Decrypter/Nero whatever burrning software you have to make an ISO file of the DVD you just converted and burned. But most programs will let you output to an ISO/Image file.