Hello all, I am just learning the forces of ripping and was wondering if DataWrite RITEK G04 Yellow DVD-R's are any good? I will be ripping using Shrink then burning on Decrypter....is this the best method? I was using just Shrink/Nero but when I play some of them back on my XBOX I experienced some freezing/skipping. Is this a result of bad media (was using Bulkpaq) or because the DVD is particular is protected? If dvd's are protected, what tools do I use in order to get a decent rip to work on my XBOX?? Many thanks in advance! Cheerz and Beerz!!! Al
Ritek G04(branded) is a favorite brand here at AD. I use the purple, version 2,4x-r. -r seems more compatible to standalones to me. I suspect there was more problem with your media than with Shrink/Nero(default burner) combo. Meritline has them for .52 ea./100 w/free shipping.
The yellow datawrite are good ones to use and have been well improved with the new Ritek die on them John179
Thank you for your replies. I have 1 other question. Last night I tried ripping a DVD with decrypter as a file, shrinking it with Shrink and burning with Decrypter. This took a little longer than the Shrink (ripping) and Decrypter (burning)method I normaly use, but I have heard somewhere that if the DVD you are burning is 'protected' its best to rip it with Decrypter....is this the case????????????????