Ok im at the part im using the dvd decrypter. im using DVD's 4.7gb the largest ones i know if there are more capacity dvd's tell me. anyway my ISO image is 6.52GB and my DVD only has a capacity of 4.7GB. I also got the error when start decrypting (there seems te be not enough space on the dvd would you continue anyway. In this case i pressed yes becouse im curious about whats it gonna do but if someone can tell me how to get it on the disc or where to buy a more capacity dvd then tell me. Thx in advance.
There are discs that are dual layer that have 2x that amount of storage, do you know if your burner has that capability? Or, the program DVD Shrink compresses and encodes that file down to a size that will fit onto that disc. Here are guides http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/guides.htm and if you want the shrink program you can get it from the homepage of that link, or look for it in the software section here at Afterdawn
Yes dvd shrink is the one i use and it never fails to compress my movie to fit a regular dvd.go with dvd shrink
ok but does the quality decrease of the movie abnormaly when using DVD shrink im guesiing im right but i just ask to be sure.
You'll be at roughly 66% as shown in DVDShrink's compression tab. It's a tough call. If it's a high action movie it may have a few bad spots. If it's a talking heads, romantic comedy type it might be fine. It also depends on what size TV you watch it on. Try it on a RW and see if it suits your needs.
yes the quality will decrece but if you take off other languages and subtitles and other uneeded stupp it will not ave mutch difference in qality as the original so ur better off with dvd shrink
I just burn the main movie only they put to much crap on the dics. It makes a much better copy. If want the extras put them on a disc by themself.(you will never watch them after you watch the movie)
I was just about to ask something similar,so its the size capability of the dvd as apposed to the software you use. Thanks Seamus
When you compress everthing on the disc to make your backup it makes a poor quality backup if you run it through DVDShrink you will see when you reauthor and slect main movie only the movie is only a little over 4.5 gigs (somethimes smmaller and somethimes larger) so all the outher stuff is there just makes it harder to make backups of quality unless you you use DL's and who buys those? any way who wants all that avertisment !