ISO or Video_TS?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Homer_J2, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Homer_J2

    Homer_J2 Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    When I make a backup of a dvd, they will not play in one of those little portable dvd players. Sometimes they won't even play in a stand alone dvd player but they always play in a computer dvd player.

    An original dvd has Audio and Video_ts folders and files on them and they play in all three players I mentioned above. I just purchased a new cd/dvd printer and want to re-burn all of my backup's into a format that will play on all players (not psp or any of those though).

    I use or have used: Nero, Roxio, Shrink, DVD Decrypter and DVDFab. Should I be making ISO files or Video_TS files? I prefer Nero, Shrink and DVD Decrypter, but maybe I am using too many programs to make the proper files? Or just doing it wrong.

    I use a Memorex DVD burner and can only burn to DVD+R discs reliably.

    Would someone please point me in the right direction? I would really like to watch movies at lunch on a portable player without having to take the original dvd.

  2. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    welcome to AD Homer_J2,

    first off making the back up into an ISO or Video_Ts folder should not matter as they should both work fine. it just depends what program u would like 2 use while burning, my preference is nero.

    Also sometimes the roxio and nero programs dont go together real well, causing conflict?

    another thing is what type of media are u using?
    And does that portable dvd player support +R format?
    Also u might need a firmware update too?

    Not sure if ur burner can booktype? if it can then that will help the dvd be more readable in standalones and the portable players?

    edit This is the combo I use and most are Freeeeeee!

    1. DVDFab decrypter(Free)

    2.VOBblanker(Free) Not always needed

    here is a guide for VobBlanker

    3. DVD shrink(free) or Nero Recode2(NOT free)just as good if not better

    4.Dvd decrypter(free) or IMGburn(free) or Nero Burning Rom(NOT free)

    here is a guide for the whole combo

    Perfect 100% backup of any Movie Guaranteed, with using quality media of course
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  3. Homer_J2

    Homer_J2 Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Thanks for the quick reply 300bowler,

    It was not the simple response that I was hoping for. But maybe there really isn't a simple way to do it.

    I agree with you about Nero and I completely removed Roxio from my system.

    Like I said before, I use a Memorex burner and only DVD+R media. I thought they were compatable with the portable player but will go online and check for a player that is.

    I will also check on a firmware update for my burner(s).

    I know that DVD Decrypter has an option somewhere on it to change the booktype and I will look into it.

    This is not just an isolated incident as the clerk at the store told me he had heard from a lot of people that copies will not play in portable units.

    If you know someone that has a portable player, would you see if your backup copies will play in it?

    Thanks again.

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