Can someone explain to me what the differences are between ISO and VTS? I have never burned to dvd as an ISO image. Does ISO give better quality output or is it just a preference? I did a search and could not find a site even on the web that would explain side by side comparasions.
It's helpful when backing up DVD-9s a.k.a. Double Layers because, depending on the software you use, a layer break is created and placed in a companion MDS file. When you go to burn, you actually select the MDS file, not the ISO, so the burning program knows where to perfrom the layer break. Apart from that, there's not a whole lot of difference. A drawback to ISO - one that's significant in my opinion - is that if you have an ISO file that's larger than 4 Gb, you can't store it on a FAT32-formatted filesystem. Lots of us still use FAT32 rather than NTFS. I do mainly for security and compatibility reasons.